QuizTest v3.0!
CGI Quiz program for Online Courses
- Program Summary
- Who's Using QuizTest?
- System Requirements
- Download!
Program Summary
QuizTest v3.0 will allow you to create multiple-choice,
or true-false quizzes online. On any given quiz, you may have both
true/false questions and multiple choice, and the same program will
grade the quizzes and email you (or other designated instructor) the
- Configuration options and features include:
- Student score viewing: You can configure the program so that at
the end of the quiz, it will (or will not) show the user
the correct answer to incorrectly answered questions, the student's
percentage score, previous high scorers on the quiz, and a grading
scale or any combination of these, or even none of these.
- Authorized users: You can configure the program so that only
certain students may take certain quizzes, or so that anyone can take
any quiz.
- Timed Quizzes: Each quiz may be set up with a time limit, and
the time taken for that quiz will be emailed to the instructor along with
the results.
- Multiple instructors: You may configure the program with any number
of designated instructors who may then create their own quizzes on the
system, and have the results emailed to them.
- Emailing Results: You may configure the program so that it does not
email the results to the instructor at all.
- Tested on Windows and Unix/Linux: Configuration options allow
email score reporting to work on Windows and Unix/Linux web servers.
(Tested on Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, BSDi, and Linux with Apache
- Detailed Statistics on Quiz Scores and Results: The program allows
the instructor(s) to generate detailed statistics on each quiz, including
the Mean, Median, Mode, Highest and Lowest total scores, as well as
details for each question about how many students chose the correct
and incorrect answers, plus detailed results about how each student
answered each question, sortable by student ID or by question.
- Reset Quiz Results: You may reset the results of a quiz back to
zero to start over with another group of students.
- One-Stop Quiz shop: By pulling up the web address of the QuizTest
CGI program in your browser, you will be provided with a menu of all
existing quizzes (and their instructors) as well as a link to log in
to the administrative interface.
The student's name and score are written to a results database for
later checking.
There is a working
version online for you to look at. Use Login "quiztest@tesol.net"
with password "admin" to log into QuizTest administration.
Special thanks to Selena
Sol (http://www.extropia.com/)
whose MultipleChoice v2.0 made the beginnings of this program possible.
Who's Using QuizTest:
QuizTest 3.0 has just recently been released, so I only have this one link.
If you've gotten it to work, send me the address of your website
and I'll post a link to it.
Math 120 Online at the University of Nevada, Reno
http://www.nwc.edu/cgi-bin/disted/his317/tests/self_assessment/his317t51.cgi: History 317 at Northwestern College (Biblical Archaeology)
http://users.multipro.com/jegs1/project/email/emailquiz.htm: The Prometheus Project: Email Quiz
http://www.journalism.wisc.edu/j575/quiz/f97-mt/quiztest.html: Journalism 575 at U.Wisconsin-Madison
System Requirements:
The web server where QuizTest will be installed must have
Perl 5.000 or higher. If it is a Unix/Linux system, it must have the
"sendmail" program installed if you wish to take advantage of the
email feature.
You must be able to execute cgi programs on your web server. If you're
not sure whether you have permission to do this, or are not sure how to
configure the files, please ask your system administrator, or check the
web pages of your web hosting provider for Help or Support information.
For a free web hosting provider who supports CGI scripts, I recommend
HyperMart or
Virtual Nine Network.
Required Files
You can view the individual files below, or download the package:
- Gzipped Tar format:
- Zip format:quiztest.zip
On a unix system, typing
'gunzip quiztest.tar.gz' then typing 'tar -xvf quiztest.tar' will usually
work. If you're not very familiar with Unix, you may want to ask someone
who is to help you.
If you have MS Windows, there is a program called WinZip (available at
TuCows which will uncompress
and de-archive tar/gz files.
The following files are required. (Please ask your system administrator
if you have sendmail available):
- sendmail
- the actual program that processes the data from the form and
calculates the student's score, as well as allowing you to generate
quizzes and score reports.
- A script to convert quizzes from QuizTest 2.0 to QuizTest 3.0
- The QuizTest Online Manual. Please read this if you're not
sure about how to use the program.
- contains information on how to get started using the
program. READ this before trying to install this!
- This File
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